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Wednesday, September 22, 2004


How embarrassing. I missed a day! Well, that's how it goes sometimes. Nothing really exciting happened yesterday, anyway, I guess, so why waste bandwidth?

Today was also pretty quiet. I am job hunting, so most of the day was spent pounding the resumes into shape. Yes, that is plural. There are several directions I could go, so having multiple resumes makes sense. Today I got two applications out; I'm working on a third. It's been a good week for finding job possibilities. Only time will tell if any of those possibilities turn into job offers.

Last year at this time I was also job hunting. Funny how that works. I've had two jobs since then. Even funnier how that works. You see, for some of us the problem is not finding a job, it's finding a job that works out. It has to work out for both the employee and the employer. In some ways it's even more difficult than finding a mate. More difficult, and more necessary. Funny how that works, too.

Now, that was cool! I just heard a ship on the lake, sounding its horn. I really like living this close to one of the Great Lakes. For the geographically challenged, or just those who haven't bothered to read my profile yet and don't know where I am, I'm right on Lake Erie. Lakewood is the first suburb west of Cleveland, and right on the lake shore. If I were in better shape, I could walk to the lake. It would probably take about 20 or 25 minutes to walk up to the park, which is a few blocks west of here. If I could just walk straight to the lake (in other words, if there were no houses and private property in the way), I'm told it would probably take about five minutes. Given my normal speed of operation, I'd add about five minutes to each of those estimates. ;-)


Anonymous said...

Good luck on the job hunting. I am doing the same.

September 27, 2004 9:13 PM  

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