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Friday, October 08, 2004

Oh, what a wonderful day!

My feet hurt, I'm about to fall asleep as I type, and I am extraordinarily happy!

I'm also listening to the presidential debates, but I'm not letting that bother me too much.

I spent today with wonderful people, people with whom I worked years ago and with whom I share wonderful memories.

I'm sorry, the debates have interrupted my thoughts. Isn't "interpretation" a form of "personal opinion," Mr. Bush?

Doesn't spoil my day.

Presidents come and go, thankfully; good friends are forever.

Thursday, October 07, 2004

The Important things in life

In case you're wondering, yes, I did capitalize the "I" in "important" on purpose.

I spent yesterday evening with friends, dear friends whom I had not seen since the last century. We talked, cooked, ate, remembered, shared, laughed, cried, lived. These are two people who have had a profound influence on my life, although they had no pretensions or expectations that they would. They had that effect only because in their daily lives they are focused on what is important in life: love for one another and for others, and a spiritual understanding which is profound. They are not preachers, although one teaches; they are doers. They are not slaves to a religion. Their understanding is, as is mine, that no one religion has "the truth"; each has a part of the truth, some more and some less, and the challenge is to find and recognize the truth or truths, wherever they lie, without being distracted by the untruthful. But these people are not afraid to immerse themselves in a tradition, to experience its full power and beauty. Nor are these people afraid to enjoy life! Hence the emphasis in our visit, and in their lives, on food, music, poetry, art, creativity, beauty, bunny rabbits, and humor.

I think that one of the best ways to honor another is to rejoice in their accomplishments. Another is to enjoy the fruits of their labors and acknowledge the source of your enjoyment. This goes for the accomplishments and fruits of the labors of God, as well. Enjoy life, enjoy one another, and you honor the Source of all. Last night was especially wonderful because I got to do all of that. I got to immerse myself in the Important things in life.

And I got to pet the bunnies.

Wednesday, October 06, 2004

Coming Home

Sometimes you don't realize how much you miss a place until you come back to it. I am in Ann Arbor, (well, Ypsilanti, close enough), Michigan, for the first time in several years. I lived there for about 20 years, and I do indeed miss it very much. I almost cried (would have, if I hadn't had to drive!) when I crossed the state line from Ohio to Michigan. So forgive me if I don't post much for a few days. I have access, but I also have other things to do, and limited time in which to do them.

I sat on the porch of my friend's farmhouse for probably half an hour just now, just being here. When was the last time I did that? I forget, it's been so long. I actually thought of so many things to write about on the way here. Now I just want to go off and do, and be.

As I've said before, no time like the present.

Monday, October 04, 2004

SpaceShipOne triumphant! plus the countdown continues...

SpaceShipOne made its second flight today, successfully to all appearances. I have not yet heard if the verifications have all been done to give it official status as the X Prize winner, but at last check it looked promising. Kudos to the team, once again. It is an accomplishment of which to be proud.

I am on my own trajectory towards liftoff to Ann Arbor, in less than 48 hours now. I am very excited! One of the best parts of this whole endeavor for me has been getting back in touch with friends, including many whom I will not see this trip. It is good to have made the connection, even if we cannot meet in person at this time. I love you all, if you're reading (and even if you're not!), and I'm looking forward to seeing you again, if not this week, then sometime!

Sunday, October 03, 2004

I wonder what they want?

It occurs to me that, besides the sort of slice of life/stream of consciousness posts I've been making, there are other things I could do here which might interest you all enough that you might make a comment. But since I am not really feeling all that creative at the moment, you tell me: What kind of blog post compels you to respond? And if you've never commented before, what might possibly get your attention?

Saturday, October 02, 2004

Worthwhile things to do with one's time

I missed blogging yesterday. Good! It means I was out doing something healthy -- like contributing to a forum somewhere. Seriously, I was actually playing some music last night, and I don't mean on the CD player. I was playing my harp. I have a folk harp, which I had not played for a very long time until a few weeks ago when I got it out, tuned it up and plucked a few chords. Last night I was playing it again.

Now, mind you, I'm not very good -- I took it up a few years ago, and I have not really made much of an effort to learn. I know how to use it, I just haven't practiced to speak of. But it has the most beautiful sound, and just playing around with it (as opposed to really playing it) sounds pretty.

I should get it out more often. And the guitar as well. There is so much I could be doing if I'd only pry myself away from the keyboard from time to time.

I return to the theme of this blog, which is dreams. What good are dreams if you do not try to make them come true occasionally? I dream of being able to play my harp. No time like the present.